We'll get you to all of your appointments on time!
With the commitment to providing excellent non-emergency transportation services, we strive to deliver convenient and personable medical and non-medical transportation solutions to all individuals who require them.
WeCare Patient Transport provides the following services to our clients:
Addiction Treatment Admission/Discharge Transport
Non-Emergency Medical Clearance Transport
Therapy Appointment Transport
Dialysis Appointment Transport
Doctor’s Appointment Transport
Non-Emergency Hospital Visit Transport
Hospital Discharge Transport
Physical Therapy Transport
Stroke Rehabilitation Transport
Pulmonary/Cardiac Rehabilitation Transport
Special Request

Transportation to medical appointments that are consistent and on-time is crucial to achieving optimal health outcomes and fast recovery. This is why we have made all the necessary modifications to our vehicles as well as to how we do our services to accommodate our clients.
In addition, we have ensured that our courteous and reliable drivers will be there to assist you or your loved ones so they can arrive at their appointments safely and on time.

From pickup to drop off, we treat each patient with a luxury like experience; from meal & prescription stops on long rides across the state, warm door to door handoffs at each facility, our vehicles, and our professional drivers behind the wheel, we make sure that everything is in top condition and everyone is unfaltering in their genuine desire to make the lives of all those we serve Better, easier, and comfortable.
The day-to-day challenges that the elderly and those with physical limitations and certain health conditions face are aggravated when they need to be in someplace but are instead faced with limited options. Let us help. Our non-emergency medical transport can be your reliable pick-up and drop-off service provider, eliminating the hassle and stress of finding a convenient ride to get you to where you need to be.